August 29, 2023 @ 6:18 PM
Prints legal size, double sided
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May 11, 2022 @ 11:48 AM
You're getting notices to Upgrade QuickBooks or "no longer be supported"
Please Read
As a QuickBooks Pro Advisor and more than likely I've been your QuickBooks
"handy-man" for your Quickbooks usage in your store, I want to help you understand the messages you're getting from QuickBooks and Intuit.
Plus their push to convert you from your desktop version to their online version .
My Main point Right Off The Bat-STICK with your Desktop Version of QuickBooks!
No big advantage for a jewelry store to convert to Online QuickBooks.
I help a few thousand jewelers with their QuickBooks and you don't need to ......
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May 6, 2020 @ 7:37 PM
I sent out an email March 17th on my thoughts of handling customers jewelry during this pandemic.
I have since received some very good suggestions by you, jewelers on doing a better job and want to share these with you. Also, I found some places for you to order hand sanitizer/face masks and alcohol.
The best and easiest solution to start is an item you can hardly find: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes.
Being they are so difficult to find and we need even better cleaning solutions we’ll go this route:
I had recommended some cleaning solutions for the front counter:
- Barbicide
- UV cleaning machine
- Alcohol
I want to make some changes.
I recently received a very detailed emailed from a jeweler named Annie who was ......
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March 17, 2020 @ 9:26 PM
Can your jewelry store survive a downturn in sales now?
Kind of a “slam in the face” headline isn’t it? Don’t tell me you haven’t laid awake at night thinking about what the Corona Virus will do to your jewelry business.
Your sales for a period of time will for surely decrease. Are you prepared to make it to the other side? How about your employees who you keep talking about as “we are family here”?
There are two questions really, simple questions.
- Do you have enough cash to take you through the lower traffic time?
- How will your business run on the other side?
I’m not yelling “the sky is falling” as America always rebounds. As a 71-year-old I’ve seen many ......
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February 22, 2020 @ 7:51 PM

How to handle abandoned jewelry repairs
Every store has repairs (jewelry and watch) that have not and will not be picked up. The repair ticket you have that says “after 6 months unclaimed repairs will be ours” will not hold up in court. “Forgetaboutit”.
Each state has a law how to handle things being repaired and what to do with them if abandoned and it’s not what you think, nor will it be easy for you to get a straight answer.
Typically, your state Attorney General’s Office knows the laws but you’ll still find getting an intelligent answer difficult. If you google:
“abandoned repairs, ‘my state name’” you come up with a huge list and you’ll see more often than .........
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April 3, 2018 @ 9:20 AM
Letter to my CPA
“If I made that much money, where the heck is it?”
After getting the tax return back from the CPA, this is the usual question. Jewelers often tell me they aren’t making any money when in fact most I help do make a profit in the store.
Making a profit and having money are two completely different things.
Let’s just talk jewelry sales. If you sell $500,000 and get keystone your gross profit is $250,000.
If expenses are $200,000 then your net profit is $50,000 which is 10% of sales. AWESOME!
“But I have no money!”
Easy. Look at how much inventory you have. At keystone the amount ...
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February 20, 2018 @ 11:16 PM
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October 4, 2017 @ 2:49 PM
Inside of the Brain of David Geller
Inside of the Brain of David Geller
You may price your repairs and such differently but I’d like to share with you how I think.
NEW 3mm wide half shank
There are two numbers in play here: Materials and labor.
Our price book is based upon a 3 time markup on everything. A narrow half shank that is for a size 6.5 to 7 that is 3mm wide and 1.5mm thick sells for $244.00
How did I get that price?
As a bench jeweler I would cut my own sizing stock, not buy the shank. I figured the weight at 1.13 pennyweights. As I ......
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June 30, 2017 @ 1:54 PM
Would you come to work for me for $150,000.00 a year?
I’ve asked this question of many jewelers and over 60% say YES! For many this would be a substantial raise in their pay. I also pay 100% of your medical expenses and have a company 401K plan in place. The month of December is mostly time off for my company, it’s slow then.
Would you work for me for $150,000.00 a year? You would? GREAT! You will start June 1st. Casual dress.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I only give out one pay check and it’s for the $150,000.00.
I pay every year on May 31st!
Is there a problem? I mean $150,000.00 is probably more than you make now. What? You can’t afford to go a year without a paycheck? ...
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June 14, 2016 @ 10:15 AM
Great news! The Newest Geller Book Training Videos Are Live and Online!
We recently came out with our newest Geller Book, release 6.0. Current metal prices and an increase in labor. In addition the sizing and custom design sections have some higher priced pages if you'd like to try for higher sizing and custom pricing.
It's been my job to share with you the task of training your staff in selling repairs and getting the most money. We've put together videos on our website that have each chapter in the book, with it on the screen and myself narrating the training.
They are free for you and your staff and if you'd like to share with any jeweler friends be my guest.
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