Could your sales staff price this baby without your help??
(Mine could - David Geller)
Does the sales staff constantly ask you or the jeweler these questions?
- How much is it to size this ring?
- Do we need to take these stones out?
- How many tips does this ring need?
- How much is a lobster claw?
- Where do I order screw posts for these earrings?
- Can you come out and price this matching wedding band we drew up?
- How much will an 8 point diamond cost the customer?
- What styles of hand engraving can I offer the customer?
Geller’s Blue Version 5.0 Release 6.40 just out, with updates for current metals market!
January 2024
$2000 to $2150 Gold || $1000 Platinum || $5000 to $8000 Rhodium || $25 Silver
Years ago when i had my store we bought a time clock for every jeweler and waxer, having them clock in and out on every job.
What we found out was:
An 8 hour a day jeweler really only did work for 5.5 hours. The rest of the day was non productive: rolling emery paper, talking amongst themselves or the sales staff, breaks, etc. Things that we didn't charge for but had to pay them.
If a jeweler told us how long it took to do a procedure it always took 25% longer.
In figuring labor cost we had not added in the costs of matching Fica/Medicare taxes, vacation and sick time.
Net result is after the time study we figured any labor procedure took 25% longer and we figured our cost at 25% higher.
This was easier as we took this from the Stuller catalog, now website. But we had to find the true cost of findings, stones and even how much the small piece of gold went into a ring to make it larger.
Who pays for lost stones? Who pays to have then tightened during sizing? The Customer!
So in setting and heads we added in 50% of what Jewelers Mutual would charge a customer to insure their jewelry. This way if a small stones fell out or we broke one we could replace it without any hassle to the customer.
So after adding in taxes to the jewelers pay and figuring a jeweler should be paid from the high $40,000's to $80,000's + a year we added a 3 time markup to labor and also a 3 time markup to findings & material and added them together.
Then added them together and put them into a book with tips and such so they's stop asking the jewelers "how much to do this?" (Sound familiar?)
Newest Geller Blue Book, now in a 3 ring binder. In this way we can mail to you updates as they are needed.
Recently updated the version 5.0 users, release 6.40
$2000 to $2150 Gold || $1000 Platinum || $5000 to $8000 Rhodium
$25 Silver
Geller’s Blue Book to Jewelry Repairs is the only jewelry repair pricing guide for jewelers.
Made to be used by the Sales Staff at the counter. Over 350 pages and over 7000 prices.
Most all findings in the book have the stock number next to it for Stuller
Now the staff doesn’t have to go to another book to order that 6 prong platinum head for Mrs. Smith’s job.
Here’s just a small sample of things we price in Geller’s Blue Book:
· Sizing-14kt, 18kt in yellow gold & white gold (adding in rhodium) ,
Platinum, even Silver
· Shanks
· Laser pricing for sizing rings and also installing
shanks-all done with a laser
· Adjustable Shanks: SuperFit || ForeverFit
· Tips, prongs, bezel & channel repair
· Stone setting, all shapes and sizes
· Removing & resetting for fragile stones
· Heads and Set-prices include the head, soldering in place and setting,
bezels too
· All kinds of clasps (14k, 18kt, Silver, Platinum)
· Earring mountings including setting
· Conversion of earrings to posts, clasps, Omega backs, etc.
· Machine engraving, hand engraving, computer engraving, family crests
· Bails, pendants, pin stems-prices include the finding and setting in one
· Soldering.
· An intensive section on Laser welding repair pricing.
· Casting stock waxes.
· Cad-Cam and Carved waxes-extensive pricing for virtually any job.
· Watch repair, watch batteries, band shortening, Rolex watch band repair
· General jewelry repairs-Hinges, stringing, refinishing, rhodium &
gold plating,
· Tennis bracelet repair, polishing & repairing chipped stones.
Over 25 pages just in general repair alone.
· Small diamonds for repair and designing. Over 15 pages of gemstone
pricing for individual stones.
· 40 pages of charts, birthstone lists, labor warranties, refund policies.
· 90% of Geller’s Blue Book has Express pricing – do the job faster and get
50% more money!
Geller’s Blue Book arrives as a kit. Designed to help the staff do their job without interrupting yours! The kit includes:
· 350 page Geller’s Blue Book to Jewelry Repair & Design, 14 chapters,
over 7000 prices all in a 3 ring binder.
Price book and QuickPick repair list

NEW! Counter mat with 4 sheets of QuickPick repairs. You can make your own pricing sheet and insert them under the clear top. very professional, has 20 of the most used repairs plus "Express Pricing". faster service at higher rates.

Updated! Video Training on the price book.
On our home page, bottom left you'll see "Training Videos". Here David Geller goes PAGE BY PAGE to train the staff and the store owner/manager. The price book itself is on the screen while David explains it all. This way the staff can learn this at their own pace, even it home. One you purchase the Geller's Blue Book you'll be given the password to access it.
One section is for the owner/manager; another section is a tour of the book, page by page done by David Geller; and the 3rd section trains the staff how to successfully sell repairs & custom design and how to handle customers concerns about price.
Counter Mat
This mat answers the question to your customer “Our Policy on Cleaning Your Jewelry”. On the mat we offer 3 choices:
a. Free – Ultrasonic
b. Budget buff - Buff only.
No guarantee, stone tightening.
c. Back to factory specs. Refinish like new,
check and tighten stones and a guarantee (subject to a
few rules).
D. Plus the mat had an opening which allows you to put in our other sheets with the most used repairs. Also list Express Pricing for doing the job faster.

Repairs are not PRICE sensitive,
they are TRUST Sensitive!
Last time we polled our clients using Geller’s Blue Book, 85% of them said the book “increased shop sales 50-100% in less than a year!”
Your store can have this same increase and guess where the money lands?
Straight to the bottom line-right into the checkbook.
When you open up a findings or mounting catalog, point and say:
“The ring is only $385.00”
”The clasp is only $85.00”
Don’t you get a 90% closing ratio? YES! Because you’ve opened up an authoritative book. But most importantly
Think about it. When you show 10 people at the case 10 pieces of jewelry, what percent actually say “I’ll take it”! Two, Three, Four?
Now when you wait on 10 people at the repair counter-out of 10 how many people leave the job in a job envelope?
How about 9 or 10 out of 10!!!
That’s because repairs are not price sensitive, they are TRUST SENSITIVE!
You should be getting your correct amount of money. It’s time to equalize yourself with the money made by other trades people who also work with their hands. Get a 3 time markup on repairs using Geller’s Blue Book. You have to aim for a 3 time markup because with re-do’s, freebies and other giveaways your store should settle for no less than a 50% gross profit margin (keystone) from the shop. Mine had 63%!
How much is all of this? A couple of half shanking jobs and you paid for it:
$499 plus shipping and you get the whole kit (the blue book, online video training for the staff, a Quick Pick repair list-20 of the most used repairs plus the take-in counter mat).
If you have an older version of the Geller Book, contact Renie for upgrade pricing.
Need additional copies for the show room or shop? After purchasing the kit you may get additional copies of the book for only $99.00 each, but you must first own the version 5.0 Blue Book.
And it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee as long as the book is returned in prestine condition:
“If your shop doesn’t minimally increase shop sales by 30% in 30 days I’ll refund 100% of your money.
David Geller, Director of Profit, JewelerProfit
How many people use our pricing book? How about over 6500 stores in the in U.S.A.; Great Britain; Guam; Italy, Australia and Canada.
Go ahead and order Geller’s Blue Book for your store and start making more money the first day it’s on the counter. Need additional copies for other stations in the store?
Places where the phones are answered
· Take in counters
· Sales counters
· Office staff
· The shop
We can also customize the cover. Rather than using our “jeweler” on the cover you can have your logo on the cover along with your store’s name and address. There is a one time fee of only $65.00 and you’ll be able to use it on this version and any future versions without any additional printing charges.
So stop waiting and hoping for more repair dollars. Order your copy today. On the left menu click on “Free 10 page sample” and open up a pdf file where you can get even more information about the book, see actual pages and some more FAQ’s. Then go to NEW BOOK UPDATE-JANUARY 2024 on the left menu and purchase your kit and any additional copies on line-secure.
Or call us (404) 255-9565. Monday Through Friday, 9:30 to 5:30 eastern time zone.
Click below to order the kit, additional copies, addition QuickPick Repair List and other profit making items for your store.
or go back to the top and on the left click "NEW BOOK UPDATE-JANUARY 2024".